
Five Reasons I’m Damn Glad I Joined a Sorority

Okay, so at Heidelberg they’re called “Societies,” but they’re effectively the same thing, just not national. We have a tiny little oasis of Greek Life at the Berg consisting of five Fraternities and five Societies. Here’s 5 (of many) reasons I am so glad I joined.

5. I have an endless supply of love and support, either from the girls I was active with or from new girls and alumnae, it’s incredible the bond we share just through our group.

4. I learned so much about effective (and not-so-effective) meeting tactics. I now feel more comfortable going into a meeting and reaching a goal.

3.  I was (and still am) loved and respected regardless of, and sometimes because of, my deeply seeded flaws. I was raised above my imperfections and stripped away from my issues and loved for the tiny, vulnerable creature that I am.

2. I learned an insane amount about myself and my abilities. Because of #3 on this list I was able to see the good in myself and understand that I am capable of leadership, collaboration, anything that I set my mind to.

1. They saved my life. I would have (more than likely) succeeded in killing myself after my return from Spain without the endless love and boundless patience from my roommates (two very special sisters) and the rest of the Society. They were willing to listen and talk when I needed and also very kind to leave me alone when I selfishly demanded it. They made sure to never let me be truly alone, though, and I am so grateful for that.

Here’s to you, ladies of Euglossia. I love you all so very much.

Until tomorrow, folks!